Description: A length of tree branch, about 2-3" in diameter, that stands from the ground to your shoulder in height. Some people like them longer, some shorter, but that is the general concensus. As with the wand, the staff has become more highly decorated than our ancestors would have used. It can be topped with a carving, stones or crystals, feathers; I have even seen one that lit! Often people will carve their magickal names, runes, or even prayers on the staff. Woodburning looks very nice, also.
Element: Earth
Uses: A staff can be used to cast circle, and in fact it is my tool of choice for doing just that. It can also used to raise energy (by rythmically thumping on the ground), and don't forget it can be used while walking all over the festival site! I happen to like the staff very much, and our household has several of them. They are easy to find and make, and very fun to decorate and get creative. Note: when you are harvesting a staff or a wand, be sure to first ask the tree's permission if it is still attached to the tree. It is also customary to leave a gift for the tree as a thank you. While many people will leave a crystal, or a coin, I prefer to leave the tree some fertilizer, or food, or something else that the tree might be able to use to grow. Use your own intuition.